I ate my first vine-ripened tomato of the season. It was a Japanese Silver Fir I have growing in a container on the deck. Tasted amazing and I almost made my goal of having ripe tomatoes by July 4th. I missed by about a week. Next year I'll make it by 4th of July now that I've learned the tricks. I've since rooted several more from suckers. Time to plant some more for Thanksgiving tomatoes!!!
Other than that the garden is doing okay even though I've been taking it easy this season. The corn was easily "Knee high by 4th of July", and now it is about waist high. Hopefully it grows a bit taller but some are already putting up tassels. Hmmm, not sure if that is too early? Also wondering if it is it too late to plant an short season variety before frost in some empty garden beds. Hmmmmm the dilemmas of rural life.
Now for some random pix from the last month, and none are of oil soaked birds I promise!
Lil Ms 40 thinks goats are hilarious. If this was a video you would see an emu come up next to Mrs 40 and try to eat her hand. We thought that was even more hilarious.

A couple weeks back Crayons and I took an impromptu Father's Day kayak trip from rt165 to Hope Valley. We saw lots of wildlife, human and natural. Here is a turtle sunning on a branch.
Contrary to other snapper I saw that day, this one didn't like being poked.

What's new with you?