Today was a holiday for some. I had the day off, and needed it big time. I tried to get as much done as possible on the 3day w/e.
On Saturday FlatTires came over, picked me and my garbage up, and we went to the transfer station. Met CTLP there after he had his coffee at Blueberry Hill. We all dumped in peace, Left all recycling in the bins they belong in (i'm told taking books out of the paper shed is against the rules).
Then, CTLP and FlatTires helped cut up all the wood piled up on the hill. Buck-it-up, if you will.
Sweet. Funny what dueling chainsaws can do with a go-fer shuffling around stacking wood. The current BeerMuda record stands at 2 log-length-cords(LLC) in about an hour with 2 saws. Yeehaw. Of course... Those are 2 sharp Huskies. Don't try to keep up w/ a homelite. I smoked my clutch(sparks flying) due to dull as sh*t chain. BTW, Split-a-dab might be in the works for a crispy cold winter weekeend activity, if we save the -adab till we're done. Renting a splitter for 2 days or a few even is well worth it.
Sunday was spent raking, dragging, and dumping ton after ton of leaves. Not surprised I feel asleep at 9. Ugg.. Getting old. Today I finished lots of little, must-do, jobs that have been driving me nuts. Gutters full of leaves, ripping up that ugly ass bamboo sh*t living under the porch(transplanted to the frontyard...), trying to replace the light out front with one that works, stuff like that. Then, Snoopy and I went for a quick mtbike loop around Big River, he was so pooped when we got home that he jumped up on the couch and has been sleeping since 5:30. Sheesh.
BBW and I are considering an overnight next weekend. Work on a project until it gets close to dark (~3pm these days), and bail for the bikes or kayaks for an overnight someplace local for watching some caveman TV(campfire) and B**r. Of course, that is if winter doesn't start too early(ie, looking for 40s days, 30 nights) doable with lightweight camping gear.
This week is the official kickoff to the holidays. The Italian Social Club dinner is thursday, then the holidays fly by in rapid succession after that. Txgiving, Xmas, New Year. LIke nothing. We need to check calendars for the early Pandapas Holiday gathering. Right now it might be either the w/e of Dec 22nd, or thereabouts. Stay Tuned.
Anyhow.. have a good week. Hopefully see you next weekend or... around. :) -40