After some more riding we ended up in Burlingame North, some quick hills over fire roads and we were on the home stretch.
So far so good.. no accidents, no mechanicals, even no flat tires! CTLP was starting to lose it after all the roots and rocks in Burlingame:

When we were about to head out onto the final dirt road FlatTiresFink and his brother McFink were wheely-ing through a huge mudhole when FlatTires dumped it right in the middle! We didn't get a picture of that but man you should have seen it!
Maggy and Mom headed down to meet us at the lake for a swim. By then the wind from Ernesto was howling out on the lake... we all went swimming anyhow.

After a quick trip back up to the CTLP's ranch we had a killer barbeque then some fireworks. We had a minor malfunction and we came pretty close to blowing ourselves up.

We were all pretty tired from the ride and decided to spend all of Sunday recovering. I'll write more on that later. -40