I went for a ride on the bike path yesterday. Oh my God!!! The hotties were out in force. It was the best ever. I kind of wish I rode much slower so I could find a nice badonkadonk and hang out behind it for a while. But then I would feel like an old pervert for riding about 2 mph staring at the "angel" on the shorts of some twenty-something. So there I go, riding as hard as I can. Flying by them as if they are going to say "Damn, he's riding pretty fast. Let me catch up to him and talk to him." Or "I'll find out who he is and stalk him till he's mine."
The delusions of a thirty-one year old bachelor. Strange isn't it.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Floyd Landis is the man...
So he was raised Amish and used to sneak out at night to ride his bike. He rode for the Postal team with Lance, and when they became Discovery Channel he joined Phonak. One day while he and his team repeatedly attacked the peloton he sat up and shouted: "You want more of that motherf*ckers?!?! Because if you do, we've got plenty"
Today he won the tour
Good work.
Today he won the tour
Good work.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Keeping cool....
I wanted to post this just because of the lack of activity but then 40oz posted about RAMHADAB VOL. 3. Go RAMHADAB!!!
But I'm posting anyways. I found this great place to go swimming on my way home in the Farmington Rover. The water's really cold, but it's really clean (thanks Mr. Fisherman fighting to keep it clean). All the waste water treatment plants are downstream. Anyways, it's only about 3 minutes out of my way home. Monday night, I rode my bike down there, went swimming, then rode home. About a 5-1/2 mile ride each way. It was nice to get there, go swimming after riding, except when I got home I was all hot again. Plus I was all screwed up on the way home, getting warmed up on the ride there, then cooling off dramatically, then having to warm up again.
So Tuesday morning, I loaded up my car with bike, suit, etc. But I worked really late for a friend in town, so I got there too late to do anything with the bike, so I just went swimming. Yesterday, I stopped on my way home, rode 35 miles (it's about 1 mile down the road from the bike path), then went swimming. It was abolutely great. I'm going to check the weather and go there now. Stop reading this and go outside and enjoy the world.
But I'm posting anyways. I found this great place to go swimming on my way home in the Farmington Rover. The water's really cold, but it's really clean (thanks Mr. Fisherman fighting to keep it clean). All the waste water treatment plants are downstream. Anyways, it's only about 3 minutes out of my way home. Monday night, I rode my bike down there, went swimming, then rode home. About a 5-1/2 mile ride each way. It was nice to get there, go swimming after riding, except when I got home I was all hot again. Plus I was all screwed up on the way home, getting warmed up on the ride there, then cooling off dramatically, then having to warm up again.
So Tuesday morning, I loaded up my car with bike, suit, etc. But I worked really late for a friend in town, so I got there too late to do anything with the bike, so I just went swimming. Yesterday, I stopped on my way home, rode 35 miles (it's about 1 mile down the road from the bike path), then went swimming. It was abolutely great. I'm going to check the weather and go there now. Stop reading this and go outside and enjoy the world.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
RAMHADAB Vol 3: Mount Up and Ride!
We have recieved official word that Labor Day weekend will work for RAMHADAB Vol 3: Mount Up and Ride.
Riding Around CTLP's House And Drink Alotta Beverages:
a mountain biking, drinking and camping ... with fine RI riding, swimmin, and general mayhem.
September 2nd & 3rd. Labor day weekend...
The Schedule:
Friday September 1:
Dinner at CTLP's house off Escoheag Rd in Exeter RI
and set up base camp. He and Mrs CTLP are generously
providing their HUGE....tracts of land for the weekend.
Saturday Sept 2nd:
Morning: Pack up food and water, get on bikes, begin riding through Arcadia to the North South trail. Figure approx 4 to 5....or so hours of moderate riding to reach the lake.
The route will loosely follow the North-South trail
from Arcadia down to Watchaug Pond (aka Burlingame
Picnic Area aka The Lake) For those of you
who don't know, the North-South blue-blazed trail is laid out starting in the "mountains" in the northwest of Rhode Island, and follows off-road trails where
possible. See the full route here.
The trail is about 76 miles long, and we will doing
less than half of it.
Afternoon: Swimming and whatnot, a cookout at the
Lake, head back up to CTLP's house for the night.
Night: Bonfire and Beer!
Sunday Sept 3rd:
Morning-ish: Wake up eventually all groggy... Slurp
down some bacon and bloody marys etc. Ride around Arcadia and Beach Pond, maybe Breakheart Pond. Easy day of riding/drinking.
Q. What the f!@#k does RAMHADAB stand for again?
A. Ride Around M@tt's House And Drink Alotta B**rs
Q. How good a shape do I need to be?
A. Hopefully you have ridden your bike at least a few
times this summer.. if not.... START RIDING NOW!
There will be all riding levels represented but we're trying to keep the ride FUN.... it's not a race. You should be fine. If you ride so much you shave your legs... this isn't your kind of thing. If you enjoy PBR and donutss for breakfast on the weekend.. this is for you.
Q. I don't own a mountain bike... is there anyway I can ride?!?!
A. Yup! I will have one P.O.S. loaner mountain bike
available, first come-first served. Beg or Borrow a
ride and show up!
Q. How good a bike do I need?
A. We have had people finish this ride on kids bikes they borrowed. If it rolls and has squishy tires, bring it. Make sure you have somewhat fresh tires, extra tubes, good brake pads, and a HELMET.
Q. What do I need to bring?
1. Bike (PLEASE make sure its got: good brakes,
tires, etc)...ask for help fixing it up if you need
3. Spare tube(s)
4. A tube patch kit
5. Water carrying device (water bottles, camelbak,
plastic jug duct-taped to the bike...etc)
6. Bag/rack/Backpack/something on your or your bike to carry your spare tube and food.
7. If you're staying over bring a sleeping bag etc
9. Riding snacks (powerbars, bananas, fig newtons,
slabs o' pizza... whatever floats your boat)
11. A chair for the bonfire.
12. Bathing suit & Towel
Q. What about beverages/food?
A. We're getting a keg.
Q. How are we getting our bikes/etc back up from
A. We need at least a couple volunteers and bike
carrying compatible vehicles to help transport people
+ gear back to Exeter.
Q. I don't ride, Can I come and hang out?
A. Sure! Arcadia is a great area for outdoor stuff,
and the camping will be fiiiiiine. There will be a mix
of Riders and Non-Riders so... you should have plenty
of company...plus you can help drive back from the
lake! :)
Thats it! More details to follow. Spread the word to
your riding (and camping) friends,
Also: Weekly Wednesday night training rides from now till the Labor Day weekend. Email me for details.
PS: Anyone want to carry this on your bike?
Riding Around CTLP's House And Drink Alotta Beverages:
a mountain biking, drinking and camping ... with fine RI riding, swimmin, and general mayhem.
September 2nd & 3rd. Labor day weekend...
The Schedule:
Friday September 1:
Dinner at CTLP's house off Escoheag Rd in Exeter RI
and set up base camp. He and Mrs CTLP are generously
providing their HUGE....tracts of land for the weekend.
Saturday Sept 2nd:
Morning: Pack up food and water, get on bikes, begin riding through Arcadia to the North South trail. Figure approx 4 to 5....or so hours of moderate riding to reach the lake.
The route will loosely follow the North-South trail
from Arcadia down to Watchaug Pond (aka Burlingame
Picnic Area aka The Lake) For those of you
who don't know, the North-South blue-blazed trail is laid out starting in the "mountains" in the northwest of Rhode Island, and follows off-road trails where
possible. See the full route here.
The trail is about 76 miles long, and we will doing
less than half of it.
Afternoon: Swimming and whatnot, a cookout at the
Lake, head back up to CTLP's house for the night.
Night: Bonfire and Beer!
Sunday Sept 3rd:
Morning-ish: Wake up eventually all groggy... Slurp
down some bacon and bloody marys etc. Ride around Arcadia and Beach Pond, maybe Breakheart Pond. Easy day of riding/drinking.
Q. What the f!@#k does RAMHADAB stand for again?
A. Ride Around M@tt's House And Drink Alotta B**rs
Q. How good a shape do I need to be?
A. Hopefully you have ridden your bike at least a few
times this summer.. if not.... START RIDING NOW!
There will be all riding levels represented but we're trying to keep the ride FUN.... it's not a race. You should be fine. If you ride so much you shave your legs... this isn't your kind of thing. If you enjoy PBR and donutss for breakfast on the weekend.. this is for you.
Q. I don't own a mountain bike... is there anyway I can ride?!?!
A. Yup! I will have one P.O.S. loaner mountain bike
available, first come-first served. Beg or Borrow a
ride and show up!
Q. How good a bike do I need?
A. We have had people finish this ride on kids bikes they borrowed. If it rolls and has squishy tires, bring it. Make sure you have somewhat fresh tires, extra tubes, good brake pads, and a HELMET.
Q. What do I need to bring?
1. Bike (PLEASE make sure its got: good brakes,
tires, etc)...ask for help fixing it up if you need
3. Spare tube(s)
4. A tube patch kit
5. Water carrying device (water bottles, camelbak,
plastic jug duct-taped to the bike...etc)
6. Bag/rack/Backpack/something on your or your bike to carry your spare tube and food.
7. If you're staying over bring a sleeping bag etc
9. Riding snacks (powerbars, bananas, fig newtons,
slabs o' pizza... whatever floats your boat)
11. A chair for the bonfire.
12. Bathing suit & Towel
Q. What about beverages/food?
A. We're getting a keg.
Q. How are we getting our bikes/etc back up from
A. We need at least a couple volunteers and bike
carrying compatible vehicles to help transport people
+ gear back to Exeter.
Q. I don't ride, Can I come and hang out?
A. Sure! Arcadia is a great area for outdoor stuff,
and the camping will be fiiiiiine. There will be a mix
of Riders and Non-Riders so... you should have plenty
of company...plus you can help drive back from the
lake! :)
Thats it! More details to follow. Spread the word to
your riding (and camping) friends,
Also: Weekly Wednesday night training rides from now till the Labor Day weekend. Email me for details.
PS: Anyone want to carry this on your bike?
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Breaking in Flip Flops
Whew. I just got back from a record setting vacation... 21 days out of the office, no work phone calls or emails. I bought a new pair of flip flops and didn't wear shoes for most of the time. I put a staggering 50 miles on my car, and didn't leave the state. Thats pretty hard to do when you live in the smallest state in the country.
Anyhow... Most of the time was spent kayaking, mountain biking, sailing, surfing, or fishing. Brutal I tell ya. For the most part the weather was decent, i think there were about 4 or 5 days of rain. Depressing yes, but it made for great river trips.
I took four trips down the Wood/Pawcatuck river, including FARTAB. I took my neice and nephew down the river once with their mom and grandma. Grandma kicked all our butts, she needs a kayak of her own. The kids kept asking for "More rabids!" meaning, Rapids. Eh.. theres not too many of them around RI but I'll take them up to the section below Barberville someday.
Mrs 40 and I took a trip down the Pawcatuck from Biscuit City to Bradford.. this year must set the record for winter blowdowns. We had to stop every 50 feet to lift the kayak over yet another fallen tree. That horse-shoe damn in Richmond spooks me everytime I have to paddle past it. Mrs. 40 wasn't too pleased either.

Kaptin Krunch and I took the yellow beast loaded with camping gear on a mini-Fartab last weekend. Quick trip out to the river camp for drinking beer and to watch some caveman TV (campfire). Yep. Cool trip. Here he is opening a Cottrell with another... er... Cottrell. Yummy Yummy Cottrell.

I tend to wake up really early in the summer, even when I'm on vacation. There's something about being the first person on the trail, out on the lake/pond/river, or in the break. Dawn Patrol rocks. It's a good way to sneak up on 'nature' if you're into that sort of thing. Here is Bambi and mom. I got about 20 feet away and snapped this picture before it looked like Mom was going to charge me and kick my @ss.

Other than that... i spent most days just doing a whole lot of nothing. I did use/abuse/test the iBucket in just about every scenerio... Kayaking, fishing, on the bike rack out to the beach, out in the boat with family, even out in the sunfish. It fits perfectly right in the footwell.

I've gotten enough interest in the iBucket over vacation that I've decided to offer a few handbuilt models to family and friends. I'll by selling them for cost + something extra for my time. Definitely affordable by all of the readers.
If you already have a 12V NiCad or NiMH for your bike headlamp, I can build yours around that so you won't have to buy a battery charger and battery, just the amp/cooler. I'll be offering it in just about any configuration you want (to carry a 6Pack or a Case) or, if you want I can just build you the extremely efficient amp and you can build your own bucket. Email me over the next couple weeks for pricing and availability, and I'll order a batch of parts to get started.
Anyhow... Most of the time was spent kayaking, mountain biking, sailing, surfing, or fishing. Brutal I tell ya. For the most part the weather was decent, i think there were about 4 or 5 days of rain. Depressing yes, but it made for great river trips.
I took four trips down the Wood/Pawcatuck river, including FARTAB. I took my neice and nephew down the river once with their mom and grandma. Grandma kicked all our butts, she needs a kayak of her own. The kids kept asking for "More rabids!" meaning, Rapids. Eh.. theres not too many of them around RI but I'll take them up to the section below Barberville someday.
Mrs 40 and I took a trip down the Pawcatuck from Biscuit City to Bradford.. this year must set the record for winter blowdowns. We had to stop every 50 feet to lift the kayak over yet another fallen tree. That horse-shoe damn in Richmond spooks me everytime I have to paddle past it. Mrs. 40 wasn't too pleased either.

Kaptin Krunch and I took the yellow beast loaded with camping gear on a mini-Fartab last weekend. Quick trip out to the river camp for drinking beer and to watch some caveman TV (campfire). Yep. Cool trip. Here he is opening a Cottrell with another... er... Cottrell. Yummy Yummy Cottrell.

I tend to wake up really early in the summer, even when I'm on vacation. There's something about being the first person on the trail, out on the lake/pond/river, or in the break. Dawn Patrol rocks. It's a good way to sneak up on 'nature' if you're into that sort of thing. Here is Bambi and mom. I got about 20 feet away and snapped this picture before it looked like Mom was going to charge me and kick my @ss.

Other than that... i spent most days just doing a whole lot of nothing. I did use/abuse/test the iBucket in just about every scenerio... Kayaking, fishing, on the bike rack out to the beach, out in the boat with family, even out in the sunfish. It fits perfectly right in the footwell.

I've gotten enough interest in the iBucket over vacation that I've decided to offer a few handbuilt models to family and friends. I'll by selling them for cost + something extra for my time. Definitely affordable by all of the readers.
If you already have a 12V NiCad or NiMH for your bike headlamp, I can build yours around that so you won't have to buy a battery charger and battery, just the amp/cooler. I'll be offering it in just about any configuration you want (to carry a 6Pack or a Case) or, if you want I can just build you the extremely efficient amp and you can build your own bucket. Email me over the next couple weeks for pricing and availability, and I'll order a batch of parts to get started.
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